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The Boxall Profile® Online Summer 2024 Update

After listening to user feedback we have been working hard over the spring to update the Boxall Profile® Online and we’re excited to share these updates with you.

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Relationship Based Practice in Cornwall

As part of our focus on relationship-based practice, we have committed to training a cohort of early years settings in the use of the Theory and Practice of the Boxall Profile® alongside use of the Boxall Profile® Online.

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Strategies for Creating Inclusive and Supportive School Environments to help Reduce Exclusions

Reducing school exclusions requires a multifaceted approach aimed at creating inclusive, nurturing and supportive environments for all students.

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Boxall Profile® Online Best Practice Blog

The Boxall Profile® Online’s unique features provide effective support to tackle individual challenges and evidence levels of need across groups - allowing educators to respond accordingly. To ensure the SEMH and behavioural assessment tool has the biggest impact for your setting, our experts have compiled their best practice tips.

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Promoting Positive Relationships: Fostering Social Skills in Children and Young People

Positive relationships play a pivotal role in the healthy development of children and young people. The early, formative years are a crucial period for the acquisition of social skills and emotional regulation, and positive relationships provide the nurturing environment necessary for these skills to flourish.

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Understanding the Impact of Social, Emotional, and Mental Health (SEMH) on Learning

The connection between mental health and academic performance is an important aspect of a student's overall wellbeing and learning journey.

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The Importance of Social, Emotional, and Mental Health (SEMH) Support for Children and Young People

In today's fast-paced and complex world, providing social, emotional, and mental health (SEMH) support for children and young people has never been more important.

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