Why Boxall Profile® Online?
Why recommend it?
The Boxall Profile® Online is the most popular measurement tool used in schools to identify children and young people’s particular mental health needs and has been cited by the Department for Education, as well as highlighted in the Department for Education’s 2018 Mental health and behaviour in schools advice.
The whole-school
Boxall approach
The Boxall Profile® Online was originally used to assess the social, emotional and mental health needs of children and young people in nurture groups. It evolved soon after that into a whole-setting assessment.
Our research shows that the Boxall Profile® Online provides school staff with a better understanding of their pupils, particularly by allowing teachers to consider their social, emotional, and mental health (SEMH) needs alongside academic needs. Schools have found this data invaluable for tracking pupils’ social and emotional development, much like they do with academic progress. Additionally, the Boxall Profile® Online has been instrumental in demonstrating pupil’s needs to external agencies, facilitating transitions between academic years or from primary to secondary school, assessing the impact of SEMH interventions, and sharing information with Ofsted.
Address hidden needs
Using the Boxall Profile® is the best way to identify and address these hidden issues, to ensure that every child and young person gets the support they need to engage fully with their education.
Boxall Profile® assessments are not designed as a diagnostic tool for specific mental health conditions, learning difficulties or developmental difficulties. Instead, assessments are designed to help professionals understand and work more effectively with children and young people, in a way that’s sensitive to the needs of the child or young person being assessed.
Evidence based
In educational settings across the world, the Boxall Profile® Online’s ability to generate unique lesson plans tailored to each child’s specific SEMH needs is helping educational professionals to support and promote the emotional wellbeing of children and young people. The Boxall Profile® Online’s unique features are the ideal support to effectively tackle individual challenges as well as evidence levels of need across groups.
The Boxall Profile® was developed over fifty years ago by the educational psychologist Marjorie Boxall. Since then, the assessment has gained a long-lasting evidence-based reputation. The ongoing development of the Boxall Profile® Online is our charity’s commitment to support professionals in understanding underlying needs of children and young people and to improve access to education for all.
The Boxall Profile helps with
Case Study
Connah’s story
Watch Connah’s story as he talks about how a nurture group enabled him to communicate with others more effectively by building up his confidence.
Evidence & Impact
Analysis of the Boxall Profile® data gathered by BCP primary schools during the academic year 2017/18 revealed high levels of SEMH needs in schools that
assessed the whole school or whole-year groups of children.