Sanquhar Academy in Dumfries and Galloway have recently been awarded our national nurturing schools award. As part of a whole school nurture approach the Boxall Profile® has been used to raise attendance and improve the understanding of the needs of young people with persistent absence or Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA).

During the programme, Sanquhar Academy observed a concerning trend of declining attendance among some students following the pandemic, noting that the average attendance fell short of both local and national benchmarks. In response, the school invested in a new role focused on enhancing wellbeing and attendance. This home link worker dedicated their efforts to forge strong relationships with families and young people, starting with understanding the barriers they faced to regular attendance.

To address these issues more systematically, the school established an attendance focus group specifically for nurture programmes. Utilising the Boxall Profile®, they worked closely with the nurture teacher to tailor specific interventions for each student. Individual plans and targets were set up, particularly focusing on learners whose attendance rates dropped below 85%. For these students, a combination of Boxall Profile® and wellbeing assessment data was employed to pinpoint and implement the most effective interventions for each individual, aiming to boost both their attendance in school and their overall wellbeing.

As a result Sanquhar Academy stands out among local schools for achieving the highest improvement in attendance rates. The school has expressed pride in the significant impact of using the Boxall Profile® systematically to overcome challenges related to attendance.

Experience the benefits yourself: Start your free trial

We invite you to start a 30-day free trial of the Boxall Profile® Online to see how it can enhance the outcomes and pupil wellbeing in your setting. This trial offers a hands-on opportunity to explore its features and understand how it can be customised to meet the diverse needs of your students.

Join thousands of professionals who are making a tangible difference in the lives of children, supporting the social, emotional, and mental health (SEMH) of all children and young people, to positively impact their learning, behaviour, attendance, and wellbeing.

Start your free trial now and unlock the potential in every child with the Boxall Profile® Online.